Saturday, January 23, 2021

“Insurrection Rejection”

c.2020 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


Prancing with the proles

Fire extinguishers and flag poles

Weapons fly

Tear gas in the sky

Ceremonial horns

The people warned

“March and fight! 

Trial by combat, here tonight!”

Howlers in the halls

With zip-ties and bowling balls

QAnon Quakers

Proud Boys and Oath Takers

Confederate, lest we forget

A nation in peril

Heavy hearts grow full

With love of the Orange Man

His crazy coif and spray-on tan

“Mask up, you say?

The China Virus will go away!”

Like a snack for Scooby Doo

“Don’t worry, it’s just the flu!”

Let the powerful hear alternative truth

There’s blood and shit

On the heel of my shoe

Marching from room to room

While TV cameras document the doom

Legislators - see you later!

Shaken, not stirred

Electoral College, disturbed

A process, deterred

For a moment, deferred

Till the reckoning

Tomorrow morning

When the smoke has cleared

And the John Birch Society

Bows out, rather impolitely

Banners in the breeze

In body armor and combat boots

Up to their knees

Only one way to go

After this quid-pro-quo

Impeachment 2.0

Put those Klan robes far out of reach

For those standing in the breach

Helping their hero

Still grappling with defeat

Dissing doctors, ingesting bleach

Got some bold lessons to teach

Wield the spanner

Crib notes in the daily planner

Spin the spiel

Like a Roulette Wheel

The Wages of Sin

Growing pale and thin

Like a kick in the shin

From these awful misdeeds

To soaring poetry

In only a couple of weeks

Amanda Gorman speaks

At the Capitol dome

Liberty a-flourishing

Like sturdy strands of brome

Welcome home

This nation, resilient

Ever endures each moment

From World War

To conflict on the Senate floor

Rabble-rousers at the door

The faint-hearted have now departed

But the flame that a revolution started

So long ago

Flickers yet in the hearts

Of those seeking to light the dark

With wise words and the will to embark

Upon a journey, grand

To take up the task

“What can I do?”

We ask

To strike up the band

“This land is your land”

Woody Guthrie is not dead

He speaks still to those who dream

With his minimalist machine

Braced wood and six steel strings

Earthy tones

Old songs strummed by older bones

Carry me home

From the Pacific coast

To the tip of Maine

This nation remains

No need to explain

A patriot prayer offers protection

It slays all manner of insurrection

Today, tomorrow, and the rest

Lady Liberty has passed her test

A breath of pride swells my chest

No mere cult of personality

Can bend her low

Beneath defeat

Her torch held high

Against the sky

America, America

Flawed and fickle

Sometimes lost in the riddle

Yet ever back to the middle

By grace, rescued

By God, saved from rubes

Who last only for a season

Who disappoint daughters and sons

With self-important lore

Of what went before

What shines from shore to shore

Is a grand union

A grand mission, to chase the sun

In its arc over the continent 

Our nation, to represent

Whole, not divided

By this cause, united

Red, white, and blue

One purpose, one truth

In the mirror, my neighbor

I see you

Written on my iPhone SE

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

“The Devil & The Donald”


c. 2021 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


It was an uneasy day in the underworld.

Tar Sulpherio, Grand Minion to the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Beelzebub Satan, felt a knot in the pit of his stomach. Smoke wafted from the burning lake where new souls were tortured after their arrival. He shivered a bit, while chewing his long fingernail. Today was a moment he had dreaded for weeks in advance. He knew that Satan would be cranky, with good reason. Everyone demon was on edge. Somehow, he wished to escape. But fate had placed him at the right hand of evil. There was no shirking his duty.

“SULPHERIO!” Lucifer shouted from his throne. “ATTEND ME!”

The minion bowed low with subservience. “Yes, Lord!”

“Today is the day!” the dark master growled.

“Indeed it is, Lord!” the servant replied.

Lucifer rubbed his glowing, red eyes. “How I hate these days of duty! God sends out a decree, and what do we offer him? Submission! We dance around, skip to every word, skip, skip, skip along, let him call the tune like a demented fiddler...”

Thunder shook the cavern with a mighty quake that loosened stones from the craggy ceiling.

“He hates it when you speak like that, sire!” Sulpherio whimpered, covering his head.

The Lord of Hell slumped in his pumice throne. “Goddd! Dear God! He is always so testy. Forgive me, father! Forgive me, you damned old man!”

The minion shielded his eyes. “Shall we prepare a place of honor for Mr. Trump?”


Sulpherio closed his eyes. “No indeed, sire. I only meant that...”

“I KNOW WHAT YOU MEANT, FOOLISH SLAVE!” Lucifer bellowed. A moment of silent reflection passed. Then, he spoke more gently. “This egotistical man-child is used to being coddled and humored and enabled wherever he goes. I must say that his… um… his line of bullshit has always made me recoil with awe. But now, now he is joining us in the depths of Hades.”

“Are you afraid of competition, sire?” the minion chortled.

“AFRAID???” the Dark Lord screamed. “AFRAID???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, AFRAID????”

Sulpherio was trembling. “Please, I beg your pardon, master… please!”

Lucifer shook his head. “I knew that one day, God would banish him here. It was written in the stars. Earth has washed its hands of Donald Trump. Now he is our responsibility. If I could have avoided this day, if there could have been a bargain I could strike, it would have been done. But here we are, pieces on the chessboard. Performing our duties, as father intended.”

The minion bowed again. “Yes, sire!”

The bubbling lake glowed white-hot. Flames scorched the rock ceiling. A chant of demons filled the cavern. Suddenly, there was a rapping on the stone door, from the other side of their chamber.

“BEHOLD!” Lucifer said dramatically. “WE HAVE A NEW ARRIVAL!”

A fanfare of dead trumpeters began to play ‘Hail to the Chief.’

As the cavern door slid open, with bits of crumbling rock trailing across the floor, their guest appeared. Still dressed in a blue business suit, with a blonde quaff combed sideways, and a red tie dangling to his waist.

“Is this the airport?” Trump asked with a hint of confusion. “I’ve got to get to Mar-a-Lago!”

Sulpherio laughed out loud. “Airport? No, friend, you won’t be flying anywhere from now on. Your place is here with us… dipping a toe in the lake of fire!”

The former president was speechless. He stood very still, staring around the chamber.

Lucifer beckoned from his throne. “Won’t you join me, Donald?”

Trump peered forward in disbelief. “What happened to Melania? Or Rudy? Or Steve Bannon? Or Roger Stone?”

There was a wicked cackle of demons from every corner of the realm.

“The end has come,” Sulpherio observed, calmly.

“Indeed!” Lucifer agreed. “Today was appointed over a thousand years ago. Before you were even born. Today, you join us here in damnation. To spend the rest of eternity begging for deliverance from the wages of your sins!”

Trump cocked his head to one side. “Sins? I have no sin, believe me. I was prayed over by preachers and priests. By rabbis even. Maybe a mullah or two, I’m not sure, not sure about that, really. But prayed over a lot. Probably even by little children at bedtime. Prayed over more than any president.”

The minion burst into mad giggling. “Prayers! You think that they could cleanse your shame? The stain of causing an insurrection against your own government?”

The former president brushed bits of pumice off his collar. “The Jesus crowd loved me. Loved me a lot! I was the one not afraid to stand up for America, stand up holding a Bible, you know, a very special Bible, gold on the edge of every page, leather binding, the best Bible anyone has ever seen.”

Lucifer narrowed his eyes. “Did you ever read that book?”

Trump sputtered like a misbehaving kid. “I have, many times. Many times, believe me, read it a lot, I am a big Bible guy. They love me, the Bible people, the Jesus crowd, they love me.”

Sulpherio smacked his hands together with glee. “Idiot prince! Your lies mean nothing here! Do you think we are fooled by such rhetorical nonsense?”

The former president raised his hand as if appearing to testify in court. “Believe me!”

Lucifer leaned forward in his throne. An ominous whisper rasped from his throat. “Donald Trump, I have peered intently into your soul. Do you understand? Deep into the crevices of your mind. Into your heart. Everything that you are has been laid bare before me. There are no secrets. Your flesh, your blood, the breath in your lungs, it has all been surrendered to me...”

A cold chill went through the cavern.

Sulpherio gestured with his withered hand. “God has decreed that you spend the rest of eternity here with us, toiling away, swimming in the waves of boiling fire, mourning every sin, every selfish act, every betrayal, every lie!”

Trump was defiant. “I am the president! Not a garbage collector, not a ditch-digger. Not a small man. I am huuuge! Larger than life, believe me! Just like I won the election, by a landslide! I won bigly!”


The former president took a deep breath. “Look, if I am here, here in Hell, then my place should be negotiating for you. Making deals. I know ‘The Art of the Deal’ okay? Know it very, very well. Better than anyone.”

Sulpherio held his stomach, feeling sick.

“I rank here, I deserve a throne next to yours!” Trump continued. “You want power? I know all about power. I had power, lots of power in the White House...”


A trio of demons stepped forward. Each had a length of rusty chain in their right claw.


* * * * * *

President Trump writhed in his narrow bed. A voice called from the airplane cockpit. “Sir, we are about to land in Florida. This is it, Mr. President. You have a limousine waiting for the trip to Mar-a-Lago. Joe Biden will be taking the oath of office, back in Washington.”

The airline cabin felt unusually warm. He had broken out into a sweat. Still, it felt good to be alive. At first, his fingers missed the intercom button. Then, he replied with a stammer of emotion.

“I have been treated so unfairly. But this is going to be different,” he admitted. “I am a winner, always a winner. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I will be bigger than Fox News, Rush Limbaugh or Newsmax. Bigger than Star Wars, Bigger than Harry Potter. Bigger than big. Believe me!”

Comments about ‘Words on the Loose’ may be sent to:

Write us at: P. O. Box 365 Chardon, OH 44024

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

“Capitol Clash”

c. 2021 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


January 6th, 2021.

Dates etched in history are easy to recall. Some thrilling, others evoking fear, heartache or regret. But this most recent of days arrived without warning. I had taken my pickup truck to a local shop for brake repair, and was waiting for a ride from my brother-in-law to bring it home. This happened after a familiar ritual. Pondering the cost of a fix on my rusty beast-of-burden, I looked at entries on various automotive websites. A new vehicle would break this cycle of mechanical fatigue, and restoration. I reckoned the purchase of something fresh would be a smarter investment. But with each new page on my phone, a mood of hopelessness began to take hold. I was broke and disabled. Not a likely candidate for buying an expensive mule to sit in the driveway.

As before, I surrendered to necessity.

While waiting, I turned on my television. Because the final tally of Electoral College votes for our next president was scheduled to occur, I figured there would be live coverage available. And indeed, images from Washington, D. C. filled the screen immediately. Formal, regimented procedures long accepted as part of our national heritage. But then came something more – protesters shouting a familiar name to the sky. That of Donald J. Trump.

Impatiently, I watched with concern, while checking the clock.

Puzzlement filled my head as I saw this crowd storm toward the hallowed Capitol building. I blinked and blinked again. Was this literally possible? They scaled the walls, began to fight their way inside. Trump banners and Confederate flags unfurled and flailing in the wind. I muttered a four-letter word in disbelief. The official counting had stopped. Our elected officials were literally running for their lives! Then, my ride appeared as tear gas clouded the video stream.

Leaving my isolated neighborhood, we passed a weathered, half-ton Dodge with Trump regalia streaming from makeshift poles in its bed. This seemed like an omen of sorts.

On our way to the repair shop in Chardon, I asked if my brother-in-law had been aware of this melee on the Potomac. He nodded without much concern. Though I could imagine the chorus of “Fake News!” that must have been playing in his imagination. The heater in his minivan was turned to its ‘max’ setting. This made the trip uncomfortable and sweaty. Still, I reckoned the beads on my forehead were from uneasiness, not the temperature. America, Land of Liberty, and the hope of those around the globe who were yearning for freedom, was on the brink.

After paying the bill, I turned the radio in my truck to real-time news reports about the situation in Washington. The homeward jaunt was like an excursion to an amusement park. Being carried on a path filled with sights and sounds of fearful fantasies. I listened to reports of mayhem and conflict. And, of POTUS supporters already pushing back on these stories. “Trump supporters claim that Antifa and Black Lives Matter must be involved,” the network feed explained.

At home again, I stood for a moment in the front yard. My Black Lab wandered while I looked up the street. Was there anyone else here who had not voted for ‘The Donald?’ I couldn’t think of a single neighbor who was likely to have shared my choice. This sobering reflection made me seek comfort in the only way that was easily available.

I decided to have a beer.

Though it was only about 30 degrees, I sat on the porch with a cold brew. Inspiration beckoned with each sip of my beverage. Finally, I logged on to Twitter and began to write:

The thing that frightens me so much about seeing these people ransack our Capitol is that they are not foreign terrorists, invading soldiers, or anarchist malcontents. They are members of my own family. A neighbor on my street who constantly posts about Jesus on social media. A friend I like to see at the bonfire with a 12-pack of Bud Light. My favorite aunt. I know these people well. And I dread the demons they are summoning…”

My thoughts stretched backward in time, to a late relative who had lived by the Ohio River. She would send e-mail messages critical of Barack Obama. Some carried the standard rhetoric of a partisan thinker. Others toyed dangerously with racist themes. I deleted them regularly. But with the advent of Trump, her virtual tone became more enthusiastic. A sermon-in-text for Christ and political action. I did not have to wonder where her loyalties would lie, today.

I then remembered a former neighbor who had visited shortly after Election Day. A blue-collar fellow who became successful through hard work and personal discipline. I always enjoyed his good cheer and habit of bringing adult refreshments on every trip. But when I spoke about Joe Biden surging to win the presidency, he literally looked confused. “Trump won!” he shouted. “Trump won! Trump won!” I imagined that he still had a MAGA banner on display, like others down my street.

Finally, I thought of my own father, who passed away in 2018. A man of much education and experience. As I often called him, ‘my yardstick.’ I could never hope to measure up to his gentleness and steadfast faith. Yet he also cast his lot with the disrupter-in-chief. An act that befuddled me into silence. I had spent decades listening to him preach wise platitudes. Warning about the woes of sin and compromise with evil. His tip toward Trump seemed indefensible. But he explained that this modern figure was a resurrection of the Persian ruler, King Cyrus. A protector for the community of pious people who were loyal only to God.

Thankfully, the day ended with order being restored at our nation’s wheelhouse. Counting of the Electoral College ballots resumed. I sat up late, drinking in the living room, numbing away thoughts of percolating sedition and insurrection. For the moment, this temporary solution worked. My truck had been fixed and worries about the nation could wait until another day.

Yet as I drifted toward slumber in my chair, the images replayed like an endless loop of an avant-garde film. A voice, a hoarse and desperate voice, my very own voice, resounded with drunken abandon. I recited a plea learned in Sunday School as a kid. One that felt oddly appropriate for this inauspicious date in history.

“Forgive them, father, for they know not what they do.”

Comments about ‘Words on the Loose’ may be sent to:

Write us at: P. O. Box 365 Chardon, OH 44024


Friday, January 1, 2021

“New Year’s Day”

c.2021 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


Sitting with my SoCo glass

Peering deep into the crevasse

Opened by a Voltaire verse

A sly post for better or worse

A social media outlier

While I sit by my faux fire

Whipping the wire

Dog on the rug

Hand on the little brown jug

Mind on the matter of a year gone past

In praise of the outcast


Government trust

Fool falling into the New Year

Toil and tears

Miscast, nonplussed

I feel sorry for us

Under a blunderbuss

Tarnish and rust

Who can I trust?

As the hands swing clockwise

I feel alright

The year change is near

Switch from an old cow to a new steer

Wrecked the rest

Passed the test

I puff out my chest

This is the repeat of a heartbeat

Spat out, complete

Who dares to cheat?

The fool lost in retreat

I give

A dice-roll down the rabbit hole

Look out below

Pork and kraut in the slow cooker

It’s what I prefer

When the cry of a newborn baby is heard

Bird is the word

‘Match Game’ reruns

Reverend X visions

First day of the year

Last page of the calendar disappears 

Looking forward to college football

And beverage alcohol

Trying not to fall

On ice at the front door

Winter weather

Zip up my leather

Sitting in snow

When my dog has to go

Listening to ‘Abbey Road’

On my iPhone

Heart filled with hope

Tight with the backbeat

Black Lab in the street

God help the weary

I’m a fan of MacDonald Carey

‘Lock Up’

Let me sup

Then take this cup

Off the rails I go

Into a year, refreshed

A second chance, a safety net

Where lessons learned

Cause us to turn

Toward the sunset

An end of day respite

While Mother Earth is drowning in shit

‘Maggot Brain’

And me with my canes

Far from the walk of fame

At the typewriter keyboard

Evolving rhymes about days of yore

Tipsy tales, heretofore


The marching weeks

That led to soothsayers and circus freaks

Giving God a tweak

The idea of an eternal self

Opposed to a darker realm

Tortoise peeks from his shell

At where I fell

Fleeing a heavenly being





For a clue from Apostle Bartholomew

A word to part the veil

Before New Year’s Day

Tips the scales


In you, I see

A roller-skate key

A wry wrinkle

Of Rip Van Winkle

Waking to find the old year far behind

Out of mind

Across the line

Swirled and spat out

Like a mouthful of wine

Watched the clock strike midnight

And I was still upright

Hand on the remote control

Eyes on the scroll

Filled with text delights

Written by the firelight

This primal day is done

The first of many to come

So I bow in reflection

Give thanks for life

To all, “Good Night!”

Written on my iPhone SE