Sunday, October 18, 2020

Porch Dog Rhyme


c2020 Rod Ice

October 16, 2020

Creaky, cranky

Feeling funky

Up overnight with canine cares

Angels unaware

Black Lab stares

Into the darkness

Pondering the steps

Of a ghost cat

Across the welcome mat

Panting for breath

Hard and quick

He won’t fetch a stick

That ain’t his vibe

This dog runs his own ride

One of a kind

No rhythm or rhyme

Not a good soldier

Just a wandering pooch getting older

Gray and white

Up all night

Tail wagging

Hind legs dragging

Seen 13 summers and more

Still here on the floor

A good-natured kid

Gone mature

I am sure

There’ll never be another

So close to my heart

So frustrating in the dark

Pacing, pacing

Wandering from room to room

Old age comes to soon

This is true

Seasons change and so do we

Dogs and old folks

Words we spoke

Fade into the wind

But we’ll meet again

When my bones no longer ache

Where hearts never break

Where you’ll run and play

Like yesterday

Trust me when I say

God is good

To this neighborhood

You and me on the porch

Fall skies and colors of a torch

In the leaves

I believe

Thursday, October 8, 2020

“Election Day Poetry”


c. 2020 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


Note to Readers: Grandma McCray used to write poems, particularly about rural living, faith, and politics. She nurtured my lifelong interest in the theater of elected officials competing against each other. The four-year cycle of a national vote revives such memories. As I sit at my desk, I imagine her looking over my shoulder, with a smile.



Vote your conscience, I’ve been told

Since childhood days of yore

Your choice for higher office

Should come straight from the core


Vote your conscience, I have heard

The best is yet to come

Choose your selection wisely

Be a good citizen

Democracy dies in darkness

Darkness fears the light

Spark the torch of liberty

With the power of your rights

Democracy dies from neglect

Neglect brings cruelty

Evil feasts on silence

Fight the good fight, proudly

Vote your conscience, this makes sense

Don’t just take direction

Raise your hand in defiance

And the freedom of this nation

Vote your conscience, I believe

To move you must be moving

Stay safe through shared sacrifice

Keep yourself keen and thinking

The voter’s prayer comes before

This sacred act of hope

A rally ‘round the ramparts

Duty for the soul

The voter’s prayer comes again

After this act of choosing

Knelt in a reflective pose

While the Liberty Bell is ringing



Election Day

Not far away

Choosing champions from the herd

Riding words

So much to decide

You’ll go left or right

In that we delight

Every four years

It’s a bullet between the ears

Choosing choices

Clenched fists

And raised voices

Where’s the menu for this Mulligan Stew

I say it to you

We’ve got work to do

Work, work

Get funky, do the hurky jerk

These are the perks

Democracy is a mystery

One party rule makes illegitimate power

But two, oh boy

That rules the hour

Step right up

With your tin cup

Make the choice, a corporatocracy

Or the Proud Boys

Make some noise

Knives out of the sheath

Air burns with heat

It’s you or me

What’s it gonna be?

Rip and roar

With the media whores

Preaching pundits prance

Do the Safety Dance

You’ve got one chance

Right or left

Don’t forget

Lincoln or Roosevelt

The Hollywood elite

Or the Bible Belt

What’s that smell?

There’s a fire at city hall

The empire is about to fall

Heed the call

Drinking whiskey from a soda can

This is a four-year plan

To set up a government

Where the harrumphing hilltoppers

Give their consent

Swinging ball-peen hammers

Stutter and stammer

The American people have spoken

Yet the clock is still broken


We’re in line at the megastore

Queue up with your sippie cup

Thrice cursed

This is the worst

But you’ll soon feel relief

To be again on your knees

Feel the breeze

In the space of your head


Left for dead

There’s a calm on the water

When the pond goes full

From political fodder

Listen to sons and daughters

They’re the voices of tomorrow

Crying anguish of sorrow

When the gods go broken-hearted

This creation story they started

Has gone seedy

Overgrown and weedy

Thistles prick

Citizens go sick

Leaders promise a quick fix

But in the end

This pair of old men

Will do it again

Point fingers in haste

Let the moment go to waste

There’s egg on your face

Who won the race?

The blue ribbon falls

Damn it all!

This dreamscape rips like Superman’s cape

Get out the duct tape

Hey, hey, hey

Fix that frock

Darn those super socks

The man of steel

Needs to take the wheel

Moses threw in the laundry

When Babylon fell into the sea

Mercy me!

There’s a sun on the horizon

New day dawning over the mountains

But it looks quite pale

American dream gone stale

Same old quips

Another package of greatest hits

Moldy oldies

Silver and goldies

Pomp and pageantry

A curse on the breeze

I’ll tell you, friend

You’re the chooser

Wish I was a boozer

A stiff drink would help me think

While I watch the debates

And tug on Superman’s cape

S. O. S.

This ain’t the sound of success

It’s a cry of fatigue

From the Atlantic City Boardwalk

To the ocean breeze

Off the coast of Cali

Vote for me!

Let it be!


Grandma’s voting for Biden

It’s a choice she’s made before

Like buying Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise

At the grocery store

Dad’s pick at the ballot box

Goes by the name of Don

He says that Christians must be strong

There’s a riot going on

Uncle Spitz says any choice that fits

Is better than the rest

Coronavirus USA

Has put us to the test

Aunt Francine wanted Bernie

She said ‘Give him the switch!’

Medicare and a government lair

Paid for by the rich

Cousin Creed said ‘Let it bleed!’

There’s a chance it could be right

If we stuff votes for Jorgensen

It’ll keep us up all night

Nephew Sam in a rocking chair

He’s high on mountain dew

Votes get counted with the goats

And pots of possum stew

Grandma’s made her choice

She don’t need a pep talk now

Roosevelt was her hero

In the country, milking cows

Grandpa says only fools decide

To throw their votes away

He’s speaking out for Trump again

On Election Day

Niece Eileen liked Jill Stein

Much more than Hillary

This year she‘ll vote for Hawkins

Says it ain’t easy being Green

Nephew Jake says ‘For goodness sake!’

He’s voting with a blindfold

And a dartboard on the wall

Politics is getting old

Grandma’s voting for Biden

She’s a Democrat through and through

Before the sunset comes

It’s what she wants to do

Grandpa says ‘MAGA me!’

He’ll choose the orange man

Cast his vote for the reality star

With the spray-on tan

I trust that Grandma McCray would be proud.


Comments about ‘Words on the Loose’ may be sent to:

Write us at: P. O. Box 365 Chardon, OH 44024

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

“Karma Chameleon”

c. 2020 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


The Setting: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; the White House master suite bedroom

The Players: Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States; Karma, spirit of cause and effect; Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States

Morning breaks over Washington, D. C. with a gentle streak of yellow between the curtains. President Trump rolls restlessly in his bedding after Melania has awakened, and gone to begin her morning routine. Suddenly, a golden glow fills the room. A spinning, endless knot brings more illumination. Glistening and gilded with strands of pure energy. Then, a booming voice crackles through the air.


Donald Trump: (Still groggy) “What? Who? This damn virus is tougher than I thought… very tough.”


Trump: (Sitting up in bed) “What is this, a Halloween trick? Or just the COVID in my lungs?”

Karma: “I am here to judge you, Donald. To punish your ignorance. To let you wallow in the yield of your own hubris!”

Trump: (Stiffening) “Punish?”

Karma: “Yessss… I delight in watching recklessness precipitate doom. It is my purpose in being.”

Trump: (Rubbing his eyes) “Rudy Giuliani, if this is a Halloween prank, so help me...”

Karma: (Brightening with intensity) “THIS IS NO TRICK, DONALD TRUMP!”

Trump: “I’ve seen tricks, lots of tricks, believe me.”

Karma: “I can assure you, nothing in your pathetic life can equal my punitive presence!”

Trump: (Holding his head) “I’ve dealt with Nervous Nancy since her party took the House of Representatives. You can’t scare me. Nancy getting her hair done, that scared me, no makeup at the salon, that was scary!”

Karma: (Amused) “Idiot! You live on insults. Now, you will drown in them...”

Trump: (Defiant) “Not drowning. Not going to drown. Fake news!”

Karma: “Look at your Twitter feed! A tsunami of opinion has begun. Boiling rage, spilling from the smartphone screens! They are ugly, I admit. I do not endorse them. But swim Donald! Flap your flabby limbs! Swim against the tide, the waves of disgust...”

Trump: (Shaking his head) “I need a Diet Coke.”

Karma: “Cause and effect, Donald. You have trapped yourself in an endless loop of sin and its wages being paid. Over and over and over again!”

Trump: (Still not convinced) “Damn it, Rudy!”





Trump: (Coughing) “I feel better than I did 20 years ago, much better.”


Trump: “I was foolish marrying Melania. Hope Hicks is absolutely stunning. Stunning hot, hotter than hot, believe me. But I think she gave me the Coronavirus.”

Karma: (Radiating anger) “YOU ARE A SOULLESS WASTE OF FLESH!”

Trump: (Snorting) “You really do sound like Nervous Nancy. Just like her, by the way, very much like her.”

Karma: (Seething) “She prays for you and your family, every day. As a good Catholic and human being. And you repay her with taunts? With insults?”

Trump: (Coughing again) “The Pope wouldn’t want her, nobody wants her, wait till the election. She isn’t loyal, doesn’t follow their teaching. We’re going to do very well, I think, going to have a huuuuuuuge victory, like we did over Hillary.”


Trump: (Sweating) “Not sick, that’s why I came home from Walter Reed Hospital. Not sick at all. Ready to go back to work, just like America...”


Trump: (Smiling) “I’m a winner. I win all the time, every day. A winn-er.”

Karma: (Going pale) “Okay… okay. What if your energy is vanquished by the virus? What if it costs you at the ballot box? What then you arrogant, mango-hued man?”

Trump: (Nodding) “Not a loser. Never, never, never.”


Trump: “No, no sickness really, just like having a cold. Maybe I’m immune? I don’t know. I took Remdisivir, took Dexamethasone. I even wore a mask, for the cameras, wore it proudly. Like a boss I wore it.”

Karma: (Sputtering) “Nothing fazes you. Damn hard-headed fool! I have filled your streets with chaos, flooded your airwaves with images of collapse, pricked and prodded you, preached to you, set you on fire… and still you defy me!”

Trump: (Shrugging) “I’m a winner. Always a winner I am, I do it always. I win bigly.”

Karma: (Shaking) “How? How can you possibly be so numb to reality? So numb to the stench of your own body? How is it possible?”

Trump: (Pushing back his rowdy wave of dyed hair) “I am Donald J. Trump. It is what it is...”


Smoke fills the bedroom, then dissipates as the visitor vanishes.

Trump: (Finally awake) “Melania! Melania, do you hear me? Did you hear any of that? Come here!”

Melania Trump: (Robe flowing as she walks, briskly) “Donald, what is wrong with you?”

Trump: (More sweating) “It was like watching ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Somebody played a joke on me, not a funny joke, not funny, really. They claimed to be Karma. I think it was another Democrat hoax...”

Melania: (Feeling his forehead) “You must have a fever. Stay in bed for the morning. I’ll have them bring you breakfast. You’ve got to rest.”

Trump: (Slumped against his pillow) “I’ve got work to do, can’t be under the covers like Sleepy Joe!”

Melania: (Gestures for effect) “Rest. Election Day is getting closer. You’ll have a lot to do, whatever happens.”

Trump: (Pulling the blanket around his shoulders) “I a lot of winning to do… winning… winning bigly, all I do is win!”

Comments about ‘Words on the Loose’ may be sent to:

Write us at: P. O. Box 365 Chardon, OH 44024

Saturday, October 3, 2020

“Cancer Conundrum, Revisited”


c. 2020 Rod Ice

All rights reserved


I see the Sword of Damocles

Is right above your head

They’re trying a new treatment

To get you out of bed

But radiation kills both bad and good

It can not differentiate

So to cure you, they must kill you

The Sword of Damocles hangs above your head.”

- Lou Reed

Seven years ago, I wrote a column for the local newspaper that detailed my family relationship with cancer. A subject filled with equal measures of fear and frustration. I spoke about the journey of my father, and a cousin from Gallipolis. Their battles with this disease required much sacrifice and courage. Both men had inspired me in life. Each also provided a genetic marker that indicated the path of my own future.

Later, I would mourn each of them after these personal conflicts were over.

For myself, cancer provided a sobering view of the road ahead. But more directly, it focused my thoughts on receiving a colonoscopy. Something that had first been recommended by a doctor when I was only 45. A procedure she reckoned was necessary due to my family history. A second physician encouraged this test when I was 50. A third expressed amazement that I had never been examined, a few years later. At every juncture, the same fate interrupted these professional recommendations. My insurance provider refused to cover the cost. Because, statistics indicated that a fellow with no obvious symptoms did not need such an examination.

In 2013, I spoke to a claims administrator with the insurer for the company where I was a salaried manager. When I proclaimed my vulnerability to this dreaded affliction, she laughed over the phone line. “Not allowable!” I was stunned by her candor. “Unless you are bleeding, we will not pay. And don’t bother lying about it!”

My hands and face were very cold after making that call.

Strangely, losing my job in 2016 redirected the path that had been set for so many years. With health issues forcing an early retirement, I moved to disability, and Medicare. Suddenly, the voice of my doctor boomed with intensity. I did not have to plead with a faceless representative on the telephone. The colonoscopy was approved and scheduled. Some 14 years after first being recommended.

Ironically this procedure, scheduled for the month of April, was canceled due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I imagined fate laughing, like the representative encountered so many years ago.

Not yet! You won’t get it today!”

My physician was subdued when receiving this information. But she repeated concerns over the paper trail left by my father and cousin. I pondered while reading news of COVID-19 spreading across Asia, Europe, South America, and even Australia. In memory, I thanked my late parents for teaching good habits of personal hygiene to everyone in the household.

Eventually, restrictions eased enough to permit my cancer check. Yet at a different hospital than originally chosen. The change was actually more convenient for family members, and myself. I felt elated that at last, this procedure would take place.

Silently, I reflected on my father’s experience. He had waited too long for this invasive peek, and ended up with a colostomy. Something that drastically affected the rest of his mortal existence. I bowed with humility, considering that the Sword of Damocles was now over my own head.

Cancer literally held my life in thrall.

When the day for this hospital visit arrived, I was physically and emotionally emptied. Due to the chemical concoction Suprep, and the cleansing release of cares and inhibitions made possible through prayer. I let go of everything. Somehow, I knew that my father would be watching from eternity.

My brother-in-law unwittingly provided a welcome diversion by jabbering away during the ride to Geauga Hospital. He took a route that was inexplicably convoluted. While weaving a bit in the darkness of early morning. Driving slow enough to be passed by everyone else. Gesturing at the wheel. Offering comments that had little relation to the situation at hand. My sister blushed with embarrassment.

But his behavior took my mind off the sword.

Inside, all infirmities were nakedly obvious. A nurse went wide-eyed at my canes, leaned against a chair by the bed. “Both of those are yours?” she said, quizzically. Of course, the pair did not match. Just like those used by my late father. When I nodded, she applied a hospital label to each one as a precaution.

I was instructed to use medical socks, but could only put one on my right foot. My debilitated left hip made the other an impossible stretch to achieve. Everyone was busy in the ward. So I ended up going for my procedure with toes covered on the right, and free on the left. It made me laugh out loud. All the nervous energy in my head dissipated. I was ready to receive judgment. The team exuded a cheerful confidence that put me at ease. I was instructed to lie on my left side. Numbness crept forward to embrace my senses.

Then, I was eating pizza.

I was at home with a dimple mug full of Miller Lite and a pepperoni pie. Glad to have completed the experience quickly. Classic Rock played in the background. I was incredibly hungry.

A voice filled my ears. “Mr. Ice? Are you waking up, Mr. Ice?”

I was still on my side in the hospital bed. My eyes blinked with disbelief.

I am still here?”

The nurse smiled. “Yes, Mr. Ice. The doctor has finished now.”

I looked at a clock across the room. It was over two-and-a-half hours from the time I had arrived. The imaginary flavor of pizza vanished from my taste buds.

Still… here.” I repeated.

I was groggy as the gastroenterologist who performed my cancer check arrived. He sounded satisfied, yet concerned. “You had 21 polyps in the colon. I was able to remove them all. The largest one of these would have developed cancer if left untreated, within 24 months. I want to you to have another colonoscopy in one year.”

I was stunned. Both from the anesthetic, and his report.

If you have and kids, tell them that they need to be checked,” he advised.

I nodded in agreement.

On the way home, we stopped for breakfast at McDonald’s. I desperately needed coffee and some kind of food. My brother-in-law was happy. My sister folded her hands in a prayer of gratitude.

I had been spared by the sword of Damocles. But now, I wanted to take it home, and cut a slice of pizza.

Comments about ‘Words on the Loose’ may be sent to:

Write us at: P. O. Box 365 Chardon, OH 44024